
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Interracial Couple Hall Of Fame: The Davises

In 1960, song-and-dance man Sammy Davis, Jr. married Swedish-born actress May Britt.

More than half of U.S states forbade interracial marriages in 1960, and the fact that their union was that of an Afro-Hispanic man and a European woman certainly did not sit well.

Even JFK reportedly insisted that an aide hide Britt during a meeting of black leaders before the press photographers spotted her.

After her divorce from Sammy, Britt stuck to raising her three kids with Sammy. She eventually married another Swede.

carefreemistrust salutes you.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Interracial Couple Hall of Fame: The Eberts

We still remember the morning Howard Stern outed Roger Ebert as half of an interracial couple -- our heart leapt!

Ebert married trial lawyer Chaz Hammelsmith, in 1993, clearly an autumnal romance for them both.

She's a tad mannish, but as we've always thought him a bit feminine, they make a rather natural-looking couple, no?

carefreemistrust salutes you, doubly. You are the first ICHF-ers to appear in the same photograph!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Interracial Couple Hall Of Fame: Eartha & Orson

orsonearthaEartha Kitt met Orson Welles in Europe when she was 24. He described her as "the most exciting woman in the world" and cast her as Helen of Troy in his 1951 staging of Faust.

We are not aware that Eartha has explicitly admitted a sexual relationship, and we're too lazy to read her autobiography, but Welles doesn't strike us as the Daddy Warbucks type when it comes to talent-scouting.

carefreemistrust salutes you.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Interracial Couple Hall Of Fame: The Klemperers

Actors Kim Hamilton and the late Werner "Colonel Klink" Klemperer were married in the 1970's until his death in 2000. She was his fourth wife.

Klemperer, son of renowned conductor Otto Klemperer, fled Nazi Germany with his family at 15; Hamilton, reportedly, was married first at age 13.

carefreemistrust salutes you.

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